
Ikonomova house

The Iconomova House is one of the both preserved hoses, made by master Kolyo Ficheto ( the other house is called "The House With The Monkey" in Veliko Tarnovo). The Ikonomova House was built in 1859 for a priest named Vasil Ikonomov, who was a friend with the master. Functionality and comfort are matched in an amazing way in this house. A simple facade from the street side with a typical town character. There were disposed shops, stores and other business premises. Inappreciably it transforms into an elegant yard façade, plastic and flexible by a triple folded balcony. All the facades of the house are decorated with high windows with "eyebrows" which are grouped by length, and the roof is made of heavy stone plates.
The Ikonomova House is a pattern for the creative point of view of the genius master that is mostly expressed in the elegant south part façade and the representative housing premises on the second floor. Here the main premises are a spacious sitting-room with the large lightly curved balcony in which is led an inner wooden double-armed staircase. The sitting-room is linked with the small bedrooms and by a double-wing door with the impressive by size guest room, the most impressive part of the house. The hall is by the length of the street façade and it is with an exquisite wood-carved ceiling in a form of sun – the favorite motif during The Bulgarian Renaissance.
At the moment there is exposed a various collection of icons dated from The Middle Ages and The Bulgarian Renaissance

5370, Dryanovo, Shipka str. 82 
Tel: +359 676/72097, 72138 
e-mail: ficheto@mail.com 

Ikonomova house Ikonomova house Ikonomova house Ikonomova house Ikonomova house